Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Pentium Flaw Essay Example

Pentium Flaw Essay Example Pentium Flaw Paper Pentium Flaw Paper NTI 1 10: Computer Structure and Logic ITT Technical Institute 10/20/2013 The Pentium Flaw a divisional error was discovered in the summer of 1994. The flaw was discovered by Intel. Intel decided that their chips did not need to be recalled since the chance of the average user discovering the error was less than 1 in 9 billion. Thomas Nicely a mathematics professor at Lynchburg College in Lynchburg VA made error public when he sent an e-mail to several colleagues. Nicely was using several computers to compute mathematical problems to prove they had enough power to do so. I believe Intel did not handle the problem correctly at all. Intel knowing that there was a flaw in the chip still sent out a defective product. Regardless of who might come across the flaw or error Intel should have recalled the chip immediately to have them replaced. Intel deciding to send out the flawed processor has probably helped the company as well. Before the flaw not many people even knew who or what Intel was. Intel after months of research and help from outside professionals decided to recall the chip and have them replaced. Nicely said he had run more than one quadrillion calculations on a revised chip and could ot reproduce the error. If a similar flaw like this were to happen today Im not exactly sure what would happen. One thing Im sure of is word of any flaw or error would spread like wild fire. The old rule of thumb is 1 tells 10, well now its more like 1 tells 10,000. I believe that if a similar situation were to occur it would be handled quickly and promptly. Im sure Intel has new policies in place to handle situations like this and other companies would learned from Intels mistake. Reference Markoff, J. (1994, November 24). New York Times. Retrieved October 20, 2013, from

Friday, November 22, 2019

Reverse Racism Definition

Reverse Racism Definition Acts of racism make newspaper headlines daily. Theres no shortage of media coverage about racial discrimination or racially motivated violence, be it plots by white supremacists to kill  President Barack Obama  or police killings of unarmed black men. But what about reverse racism? Is reverse racism even real and, if so, whats the best way to define it? Defining Reverse Racism Reverse racism refers to discrimination against whites, usually in the form of programs meant to advance ethnic minorities such as affirmative action. Anti-racist activists in the U.S. have largely deemed reverse racism to be impossible, as the power structure of the United States has historically benefited whites and continues to do so today, despite the election of a black president. Such activists argue that the definition of racism isnt just one individuals belief that a certain race is superior to others but also includes institutional oppression. Explains white anti-racist activist Tim Wise in A Look at the Myth of Reverse Racism: When a group of people has little or no power over you institutionally, they dont get to define the terms of your existence, they cant limit your opportunities, and you neednt worry much about the use of a slur to describe you and yours, since, in all likelihood, the slur is as far as its going to go. What are they going to do next: deny you a bank loan? Yeah, right. In the Jim Crow South, for example, police officers, bus drivers, educators and other agents of the state worked in tandem to maintain segregation and, thus, racism against people of color. While ethnic minorities during this time may have harbored ill will towards Caucasians, they lacked the power to adversely affect whites lives. On the other hand, the very fate of people of color is determined by institutions that have traditionally discriminated against them. This explains, in part, why an African American who has committed a certain crime is likely to receive a stiffer sentence than a white person who committed an identical crime. What Makes White Racism Distinct? Because American institutions havent traditionally been anti-white, the argument that whites can be truly victimized by reverse racism is difficult to make. Still, the assertion that reverse racism exists has persisted since the late 20th century when the government implemented widespread programs to make up for historic discrimination against ethnic minorities. In 1994, Time magazine ran an article about a small minority of Afro-centrists known as melanists who posit that those with an abundance of dark skin pigment, or melanin, are more humane and superior to lighter-skinned people, not to mention prone to having paranormal powers such as ESP and psychokinesis. The idea that one group of people is superior to another based on skin color certainly fits the dictionary definition of racism. Yet, the melanists had no institutional power to spread their message or subjugate lighter-skinned people based on their racist beliefs. Moreover, because the melanists spread their message in pred ominantly black settings, its likely that few whites even heard their racist message, let alone suffered because of it. Melanists lacked the institutional influence to oppress whites with their ideology. What separates white racism from any other form †¦is [its] ability†¦to become lodged in the minds of and perceptions of the citizenry, Wise explains. White perceptions are what end up counting in a white-dominated society. If whites say Indians are savages, then by God, theyll be seen as savages. If Indians say whites are mayonnaise-eating Amway salespeople, who the hell is going to care? And such was the case with the melanists. No one cared what they had to say about the melanin-deprived because this fringe group of Afro-centrists lacked power and influence. When Institutions Favor Ethnic Minorities Over Whites If we include institutional power in the definition of racism, it’s virtually impossible to argue that reverse racism exists. But as institutions attempt to compensate ethnic minorities for the racism of the past via affirmative action programs and similar policies, the government has found that whites have experienced discrimination. In June 2009, white firefighters from New Haven, Conn., won a â€Å"reverse discrimination† Supreme Court case. The suit stemmed from the fact that white firefighters who excelled on a qualifying test to receive promotions were prevented from moving up because their colleagues of color had not performed so well. Rather than allow the white firefighters to promote, the city of New Haven dismissed the test results for fear that minority firefighters would sue if they weren’t also promoted. Chief Justice John Roberts argued that the events in New Haven amounted to racial discrimination against whites because the city would not have refused to promote black firefighters if their white counterparts had performed poorly on the qualifying exam. The Case for Diversity Initiatives Not all whites who find themselves excluded as institutions try to right past wrongs feel victimized. In a piece for The Atlantic called â€Å"Reverse Racism, or How the Pot Got to Call the Kettle Black,† legal scholar Stanley Fish described being ruled out of an administrative position at a university when the powers-that-be decided that a woman or ethnic minority would be a better candidate for the job. Fish explained: Although I was disappointed, I did not conclude that the situation was ‘unfair,’ because the policy was obviously†¦ not intended to disenfranchise white males. Rather, the policy was driven by other considerations, and it was only as a by-product of those considerations- not as the main goal- that white males like me were rejected. Given that the institution in question has a high percentage of minority students, a very low percentage of minority faculty, and an even lower percentage of minority administrators, it made perfect sense to focus on women and minority candidates, and within that sense, not as the result of prejudice, my whiteness and maleness became disqualifications. Fish argues that whites who find themselves excluded when white institutions try to diversify mustn’t protest. Exclusion when the goal is not racism but an attempt to level the playing field can’t compare to the centuries of racial subjugation that people of color experienced in U.S. society. Ultimately, this kind of exclusion serves the greater good of eradicating racism and its legacy, Fish points out. Wrapping Up Does reverse racism exist? Not according to the antiracist definition of racism. This definition includes institutional power and not just the prejudices of a lone individual. As institutions which have historically benefited whites attempt to diversify, however, they sometimes favor ethnic minorities over whites. Their purpose in doing so is to right the wrongs of the past and the present against minority groups. But as institutions embrace multiculturalism, they are still forbidden by the 14th Amendment from directly discriminating against any racial group, including whites. Thus, while institutions engage in minority outreach, they must do so in a way that doesn’t unjustly penalize whites for their skin color alone.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Goal is to share with the reader an incident in your life that taught Essay

Goal is to share with the reader an incident in your life that taught you something about life, about other people, about your - Essay Example I was working on a project with group consisting of five members. It was a science project and each member was assigned a specific work that was to be completed within the given timeframe. While each member’s work required independent research but we were all helping each other to complete the project as early as possible. I remember, I was particularly quite abrasive and short tempered with one of my colleague because he seemed to be quite distracted and least concerned in completing his part of the project. He was an African American who was more inclined to be gregarious and less focused on his studies. It just confirmed my preconceived ideas about racial differences. Hence the news about my sister’s accident came as a complete jolt that completely threw me off balance. We were all busy doing our project so for a moment I was unable to accept the news and did not know what to do. Suddenly it was Anthony, the African American colleague who was consoling me and took co ntrol of the situation. She was my only sister and I kept mumbling that I would die if anything happened to her. Anthony accompanied me to the hospital and took charge of the situation. My sister was profusely bleeding and was concussed.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The future status of English as the global language is assured Essay - 1

The future status of English as the global language is assured - Essay Example This means that it is a language that is not going to disappear anytime soon because it is deeply rooted among many cultures. The same could be said of Mandarin. However, Mandarin has historically never had the same global appeal of English due to one thing—colonization. The English language originated from England and was exported around the world the England’s colonies. Countries such as Canada, Australia, and New Zealand have all had their cultures and language shaped due to the influence of England. Mandarin was never allowed to expand like this because China never ventured far outside its own borders. In addition to England, the United States of America also became a great exporter of the English language. After the United States won independence from England, it did contribute much to world affairs. It was only after the Second World War that America started to influence many different countries around the globe. Because they speak the English language, the United States was, and still does, influence they way people talk. Over the centuries, English has long been the language of trade between countries. Although English is only the native language in a few countries, there are considerably more nations that have established English as their second language. The reason for this is simple—trade. Because many of the native English speaking countries are considered to be first world, it is advantageous for poorer nations to do business with them. To accomplish this, it makes sense to learn English in order to be able to communicate effectively with them. It would be unrealistic for an English speaker to learn a language of another country that wants to engage in trade—because the developing country wants to grow, it must learn to speak the language that will help to get them there. Although English will surely be threatened by other upcoming languages, particularly Mandarin, the future status of the English language as

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Public Transportation Essay Example for Free

Public Transportation Essay Public Transportation there are many kinds of commuters on public transportation: there are bus commuters, train commuters, and plain commuters. The first kind of commuter are people who ride the bus. At some point in their lifetime, everyone has had to ride the bus. Children ride the bus to school on a daily basis all the way through adolescence. People who live in large cities, ride the bus just about everywhere they need to go. Local buses bring in large amounts of money for their area and can be very helpful to the people of the town. The second facet of transportation would be the train system. Among the many classifications of train systems, there are subways, trolleys, and rail ways. Subways are utilized by people who live in large areas. Trolleys are used by people who live in smaller areas, like suburbs. Rail ways, broken up in rail roads, are used all across the nation. Rail road cars, drive on train tracks, and have become so popular that collectible toys have even been made after them. Rail ways help transport many of our nations most important goods, and without them we would be facing serious problems. The third type of transportation are airplanes. Air planes are mostly used for long distance traveling. Air planes are the most expensive of the three types, but they are still used very often. The wealthy often use air planes as their main way of traveling. Air planes can be seen by some as dangerous and very risky because of their bad history in the past. Air planes are high flying machines that carry people from city to city and sometimes even across countries. Air planes are used by people in politics, the millitary, and even regular citizens. Air planes are very important to our country and help make our lives much easier. As you can see, there are many diffrent types of transportation, but they all help make our lives easier in their own special way.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Football stuff :: essays research papers

Stepping Outside Traditional Boundaries In Football, Fast Cars, and Cheerleading: Adolescent Gender Norms, 1978-1989, Suitor and Reavis found that adolescents did not change drastically in their views about gender roles from the late 1970s to the late 1980s. The differences they did find were an increase in girls’ reports of sports involvement as a social advancement tool, and a larger increase in boys’ reports of sports as a way for girls to gain status. They also found that, by the late 1980s, more boys noted high sexual activity, a stereotypically masculine characteristic, as a social advancement tool for girls, while girls did not report any stereotypically feminine activities as a way for boys to gain status. Girls, therefore, were more accepted into masculine arenas, but boys did not stray into feminine arenas. The implications of the study are that boys have remained locked into traditional masculine roles. While girls have advanced socially through entering masculine roles, boys have not advanced soci ally through entering traditionally feminine roles.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the late 1970s, the general trend was that adolescents felt that participation in sports was did not increase girls’ status as much as other activities. Suitor and Reavis found that 33.6 of the students who graduated between 1978 and 1982 reported that sports was one way in which girls advanced in status, while 90% said sports was a way boys advanced in status. Physical attractiveness was the number one way in which girls were said to gain prestige. Through the late 1980s, these trends continued. Similarly, rowdy behavior was seen as a masculine advancement tool, but never mentioned as a feminine tool. This brings into question the ways in which kids learn that boys are aggressive and supposed to pursue sports, whereas girls are not. Children learn gender roles early on in life, as their parents reward and punish certain behaviors that are biologically based and promote gender intensification. For example, girls are complimented for having their hair done nicely in ribbons or headbands, while boys are complimented for playing well and being competitive in a soccer game. While boys are biologically more aggressive than girls, this aggression and roughness is enhanced and encouraged through socialization. Nature and nurture are both at work in early gender development, as characteristics that are by nature masculine or feminine are coded with social behaviors and are overly engrained in children’s heads. As children spend more time with peers, they reinforce these rules with each other, by teaching each other and interacting in the roles that have been defined for them.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Undermining of Teenagers By The Media

Every year the media posts multiple stories about ‘youths’. Their stories dominate the headlines: how they lack the respect and manners that past generations had, how they are forever out on the street vandalizing property, how they spend their time binge drinking and mugging old ladies. This stereotype has taken over and can be a big problem for teens today. In our multicultural society, It would never be okay to scowl at somebody who was gay or black, but for some reason the judgment of teens is completely acceptable. The media portrays teens as highly disruptive and dangerous, yet if we look at actual statistics adults commit far more crimes a year then teens. Adults are much more commonly found being drunk and disruptive on a Friday night so surely it is unfair that teens have to travel with this stigmas surrounding them. In reality, youth crime rates have dropped between 1993 and 2001 and Britain has one of the lowest crime rates in Europe, so older generations criticisms of, ‘in my day we NEVER would have done this’ are completely false. How many times have you had an elderly person shoot you a dirty look for playing your music just a little too loudly on the tube? How many times has a shop assistant neglected to give you help because they are too busy dealing with ‘proper customers’? These scenarios happen everyday, not even just from people we don’t know, we are swallowed up in them. As a teenager myself, I feel constantly frustrated at how adults judge my friends and I as we walk down the street. Just because some teenagers stir trouble, doesn’t mean all of us should be grouped in the same bag. Instead of highlighting the bad teens the media should reflect the outstanding work that a lot of teens do. Young people are ten times more likely to be voluntary in the community then committing offences, and unless the media show positive propaganda like this, older people are going to continue to prejudge teenagers. Not only does the media play on teenagers being disruptive, the law does too. I have often played witness to policeman asking groups of teenagers to move along when they are on the street, despite them being completely sober, not smoking or causing trouble in any way. It is often simply because they may be wearing hoodies. Policeman shouldn’t be allowed to generalize like this. WE are the generation of the future, WE are the people who will have to deal with major issues like global warming, left behind from past generations, so WE need to be given respect. We can’t do anything right. Teenagers today do better in their GCSE’s then past generations did in their exams, but this is because their exams were harder right? Anything good we do seems to have an excuse, and people are ignorant towards the fact that the youth of the day are going to be the faces of the future.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Ap in Cold Blood

Rakshitha Mohankumar 11-16-12 AP English Language Period 3 Timed Writing: In Cold Blood Option C In part three of Capote's In Cold Blood, the book gives a more clear understanding of how Perry and Dick came to know of the Clutters and earned their â€Å"score†. It has detailed excerpts from interviews with Floyd Wells, Dick's friend from prison who is also the same person who tells him everything he needs to know about the Clutters, as well as, Mr and Mrs. Hickock, Dick's parents who are worried for their son and concerned about his whereabouts.The author was able to create and portray a good amount of sympathy for Dick's parents by making them appear poor and gentle as well as by how they speak about their son, and are willing to forgive him for his mistakes. In creating sympathy for the parents, the author also indirectly creates some sympathy for Dick by using certain quotes, by Mr. Hickock, that describe his life before he went into prison. There are many ways in which Tru man Capote portrays sympathy for the Hickocks in this section. He uses interviews from the locals who live around where Dick's family lives.When Officer Nye investigates the nearby folks, one farmer's wife tells him,â€Å"Don't talk to me about Dick Hickock! If ever I met the devil! [†¦ ] Dick would've gone to jail more times than you can count, except nobody around here ever wanted to prosecute out of respect for his folks. † Essentially, she is trying to say that although Dick gets into plenty of trouble, no one ever really says anything about it, out of kindness to his parents, who are â€Å"both plain and honest people. † Capote also uses certain phrases and quotes that stand out to the reader, which in turn evokes sympathy, from the interview with Dick's parents themselves. He wanted to go on to college. Study to be an engineer . But we couldn't do it. Plain didn't have the money. Never have had any money. † The fact that they are not a rich and well-of f family is made clear when Mr. Hickock says that he couldn't afford to send his son to college. This also is an indication of how Dick's life would have turned out to be different than what it was currently, if he had gone to college. Both Dick's parents never really blame their son for his faults. Rather, they blame it on someone or something else. â€Å"That friend of his. That's what happened† is what Mrs.Hickock tells Officer Nye, implying that Perry is the one who was at fault for all the mishaps that Dick had been burdened with. They are typical parents, painting their son in perfect light, and thinking that in no way is he at fault, instead, only badly influenced. The author, by creating sympathy for the parents also creates sympathy for Dick and makes him seem more human. He uses a quote from Dick's father â€Å"I've not got long, I'm with cancer, and Dick knowed that, and not a month ago, right before he took off, he told me, ‘Dad, you've been a pretty good o ld dad to me.I'm not ever gonna do nothing more to hurt you. ‘[†¦ ] That boy has plenty of good inside of him. † In the first two parts of the book, Dick is known to have cared for his family and this just elaborates on that fact. It humanizes Dick and makes him more compassionate. It shows that he is wary of how he has upset his parents and that he is not deliberately hurting them. The aforementioned quote also makes the reader sympathize for the father because it states that he has cancer and knows he is not going to live long.Adding in a disease or illness of sorts always has some sentimental effect on the reader and the author must have chosen this particular quote for that purpose. One last quote that stood out as a form of sympathy for Dick's parents is â€Å"Ashamed and afraid. Of what he's done. Of how he's hurt us again. And afraid because he thinks we won't forgive him. Like we always have. And always will. † This quote is from Mrs. Hickock and it s ignifies a parent's, or more specifically, a mother's love for her child. As Dick's parents, they are always willing to forgive him no matter how many mistakes he has made or how badly he has hurt them.He is their son and it shows that, no matter what kind of a person he turned out to be, they have and always will love him and be there for him. This creates sympathy, more for Dick's parents rather than Dick himself, because it signifies that they are good, loving, and caring parents who see past the faults and errors of their children. There are a few people who might say Dick is â€Å"undeserving† of such loving and kind-hearted people for parents. These are just a few outstanding ways in which Truman Capote portrayed sympathy for Mr and Mrs. Hickock.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Installing MySQL on a Mac Is Easier Than You Think

Installing MySQL on a Mac Is Easier Than You Think Oracles MySQL is a popular open-source relational database management system that is based on Structured Query Language (SQL). It is frequently  used in conjunction with PHP to enhance the capabilities of websites. PHP comes preloaded onto Mac computers, but MySQL does not. When you create and test software or websites that require a MySQL database, it is handy to have MySQL installed on your computer. Installing MySQL on a Mac is easier than you might expect, particularly if you use the native installation package instead of the TAR package, which requires access and changes to the command line in Terminal mode. Installing MySQL Using the Native Installation Package The free download for the Mac is the MySQL Community Server edition. Go to the MySQL website  and download the latest version of MySQL for MacOS.  Select the native package DMG archive version, not the compressed TAR version.Click the Download button next to the version you choose.You  are prompted to sign up for an Oracle Web Account, but unless you want one, click No thanks, just start my download.In your downloads folder, find and double-click the file icon to mount the .dmg archive, which contains the installer.Double-click the icon for the MySQL package installer.Read the opening dialog screen and click Continue to begin the installation.Read the license terms. Click Continue and then Agree to continue.Click Install.  Record the temporary password that displays during the installation process. This password cannot be recovered. You must save it. After you log in to MySQL, you are prompted to create a new password.Press Close on the Summary screen to complete the installation. The MySQL webpage contains documentation, instructions and change history for the software.   How to Start My SQL on a Mac The MySQL server is installed on the Mac, but it does not load by default. Start MySQL by clicking Start using the MySQL Preference Pane, which was installed during the default installation. You can configure MySQL to automatically start when you turn on your computer using the MySQL Preference Pane.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Jellyfish Facts

Jellyfish Facts Among the most extraordinary animals on earth, jellyfish (Cnidarians, scyphozoans, cubozoans, and hydrozoans) are also some of the most ancient, with an evolutionary history stretching back for hundreds of millions of years. Found in all oceans of the world, jellies are made up of 90 to 95 percent water, compared to 60 percent for humans. Fast Facts: Jellyfish Scientific Name: Cnidarian; scyphozoan, cubozoan, and hydrozoanCommon Name: Jellyfish, jelliesBasic Animal Group: InvertebrateSize: Bell diameter of two-tenths of an inch to over six and a half feetWeight: Under an ounce to 440 poundsLifespan: Vary between a few hours to a few yearsDiet:  Carnivore, HerbivoreHabitat: Oceans throughout the worldPopulation: UnknownConservation Status: Not Evaluated Description Named after the Greek word for sea nettle, cnidarians are marine animals characterized by their jelly-like bodies, their radial symmetry, and their cnidocytes- cells on their tentacles that literally explode when stimulated by prey. There are about 10,000 cnidarian species, roughly half of which are anthozoans (a family that includes corals and sea anemones); the other half are scyphozoans, cubozoans, and hydrozoans (what most people refer to when they use the word jellyfish). Cnidarians are among the oldest animals on earth: Their fossil record stretches back for almost 600 million years. Jellyfish come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. The largest is the lions mane jellyfish (Cyanea capillata), which can have a bell over six and a half feet in diameter and weigh up to 440 pounds; the smallest is the Irukandji jellyfish, several species of dangerous jellyfishes found in tropical waters, which measure only about two-tenths of an inch and weigh well under a tenth of an ounce. Jellyfish lack  a central nervous system, a circulatory system,  and a respiratory system. Compared to vertebrate animals, they are extremely simple organisms, characterized mainly by their undulating bells (which contain their stomachs) and their dangling, cnidocyte-spangled tentacles. Their nearly organless bodies consist of just three layers- the outer epidermis, the middle mesoglea, and the inner gastrodermis. Water makes up 95 to 98 percent of their total bulk, compared to about 60 percent for the average human being. Jellyfish are equipped with hydrostatic skeletons, which sound like they might have been invented by Iron Man, but are actually an innovation that evolution hit on hundreds of millions of years ago. Essentially, the bell of a jellyfish is a fluid-filled cavity surrounded by circular muscles; the jelly contracts its muscles, squirting water in the opposite direction from where it wishes to go. Jellyfish arent the only animals to possess hydrostatic skeletons; they can also be found in starfish, earthworms, and various other invertebrates. Jellies can also move along ocean currents, thus sparing themselves the effort of undulating their bells. Weirdly, box jellies, or cubozoans, are equipped with as many as two dozen eyes- not primitive, light-sensing patches of cells, as in some other marine invertebrates, but true eyeballs composed of lenses, retinas, and corneas. These eyes are paired around the circumference of their bells, one pointing upward,  one pointing downward- this gives some box jellies a 360-degree range of vision, the most sophisticated visual sensing apparatus in the animal kingdom. Of course, these eyes are used to detect prey and avoid predators, but their main function is to keep the box jelly properly oriented in the water. Wikimedia Commons Species Scyphozoans, or true jellies, and cubozoans, or box jellies, are the two classes of cnidarians comprising the classic jellyfish; the main difference between them is that cubozoans have boxier-looking bells than scyphozoans and are slightly faster. There are also hydrozoans (most species of which never got around to forming bells and instead remain in polyp form) and staurozoans, or stalked jellyfish, which are attached to the seafloor. (Scyphozoans, cubozoans, hydrozoans, and staurozoans are all classes of medusozoans, a clade of invertebrates directly under the cnidarian order.) Diet Most jellyfish eat fish eggs, plankton, and fish larvae, converting them to energy in an alarming pattern known as an energy-loss pathway. That kind of pathway consumes energy that would otherwise be used by forage fish who can be eaten by top-level consumers.  Instead, that energy is being communicated to animals which eat jellyfish, not part of the higher food chain. Other species, like upside-down jellies (Cassiopea species) and Australian Spotted Jellyfish (Phyllorhiza punctata), have symbiotic relationships with algae (zooxanthellae), and they obtain enough carbohydrates from them to not need additional food sources.   Lions mane jellyfish (Cyanea capillata) eating Sarsia tubulosa.   Cultura RF/Alexander Semenov/Getty Images Behavior Jellyfish practice what is called vertical migration, arising from the ocean depths to the surface in large aggregations known as blooms. In general, they bloom in the spring, reproduce in the summer, and die off in the fall. But different species have different patterns; some migrate once or twice a day, and some migrate horizontally following the sun. The jellies most injurious to humans, the Irukandji species, undergo seasonal migrations which bring them into contact with swimmers in the tropics. Jellyfish spend all of their time is seeking food, escaping predators, or finding a mate- some set a trap with their tentacles arranged in a spiral pattern, an impenetrable curtain for their prey, or array their tentacles in a big field around their bodies. Others simply drift or swim slowly, dragging their tentacles behind them like a trawler net.   Some species are pleustonic, meaning they live at the air/water interface year round. Those include the sailing jellies, like the Portuguese man-of-war, the Blue Bottle, and the By-the-Wind Sailor Jelly (Velella vellal), which has an oblong blue raft and a silvery vertical sail. Like most invertebrate animals, jellyfish have very short lifespans: Some small species live for only a few hours, while the largest varieties, like the lions mane jellyfish, may survive for a few years. Controversially, one Japanese scientist claims that the jellyfish species Turritopsis dornii is effectively immortal: Full-grown individuals have the ability to revert back to the polyp stage, and thus, theoretically, can cycle endlessly from adult to juvenile form. Unfortunately, this behavior has only been observed in the laboratory, and T. dornii can easily die in many other ways (such as being eaten by predators or washing up on the beach). Reproduction and Offspring Jellyfish hatch from eggs which are fertilized by males after females expel the eggs into the water. What emerges from the egg is a free-swimming planula, which looks a bit like a giant paramecium. The planula soon  attaches itself to a firm surface (the sea floor, a rock, even the side of a fish) and grows into a stalked polyp reminiscent of a scaled-down coral or anemone. Finally, after months or even years, the polyp launches itself off its perch and becomes an ephyra (for all intents and purposes, a juvenile jellyfish), and then grows to its full size as an adult jelly. Humans and Jellyfish People worry about black widow spiders and rattlesnakes, but pound for pound, the most dangerous animal on earth may be the sea wasp (Chironex fleckeri). The biggest of all box jellies- its bell is about the size of a basketball and its tentacles are up to 10 feet long- the sea wasp prowls the waters of Australia and southeast Asia, and its sting is known to have killed at least 60 people over the last century. Just grazing a sea wasps tentacles will produce excruciating pain, and if contact is widespread and prolonged, a human adult can die in as little as two to five minutes. Most poisonous animals deliver their venom by biting- but not jellyfish (and other cnidarians), which have evolved specialized structures called nematocysts. There are thousands of nematocysts in each of the thousands of cnidocytes on a jellyfishs tentacles; when stimulated, they build up an internal pressure of over 2,000 pounds per square inch and explode, piercing the skin of the unfortunate victim and delivering thousands of tiny doses of venom. So potent are nematocysts that they can  be activated even when a jellyfish is beached or dying, which accounts for incidents where dozens of people are stung by a single, seemingly expired jelly. Threats Jellyfish are prey for sea turtles, crabs, fish, dolphins, and terrestrial animals: There are some 124 fish species and 34 other species that are reported to feed either occasionally or mainly on jellyfish. Jellyfish often establish symbiotic or parasitic relationships with other species- the parasitic ones are almost always detrimental to the jellyfish. Many species- sea anemones, brittle stars, gooseneck barnacles, lobster larvae and fish- hitch rides on jellyfish, finding safety from predators in the folds. Octopuses are known to use jellyfish tentacle fragments on sucker arms as added defensive/offensive weaponry, and dolphins tend to treat some species like underwater frisbees. Jellyfish have been considered a delicacy for human diets since at least 300 CE in China. Today, fisheries raising jellyfish for food exist in 15 countries.   But jellyfish may have the last laugh. Far from being a threatened species, jellyfish are on the increase, moving into habitats that have been damaged or destroyed for other marine creatures. Increased blooms can have negative impacts on human economic activities, clogging cooling water intakes at coastal power plants, bursting fishing nets and contaminating catches, killing off fish farms, reducing commercial fish abundance through competition, and interfering with fisheries and tourism. The primary causes for habitat destruction are human over-fishing and climate change, so the reason for the uptick in jellyfish blooms can be assigned to human interference. Alastair Pollock Photography/Getty Images Sources Chiaverano, Luciano M., et al. Evaluating the Role of Large Jellyfish and Forage Fishes as Energy Pathways, and Their Interplay with Fisheries, in the Northern Humboldt Current System. Progress in Oceanography 164 (2018): 28–36. Print.Dong, Zhijun. Chapter 8 - Blooms of the Moon Jellyfish Aurelia: Causes, Consequences and Controls. World Seas: An Environmental Evaluation (Second Edition). Ed. Sheppard, Charles: Academic Press, 2019. 163–71. Print.Gershwin, Lisa-ann. Jellyfish: A Natural History.  Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2016.Hays, Graeme C., Thomas K. Doyle, and Jonathan D. R. Houghton. A Paradigm Shift in the Trophic Importance of Jellyfish? Trends in Ecology Evolution 33.11 (2018): 874–84. Print.Richardson, Anthony J., et al. The Jellyfish Joyride: Causes, Consequences and Management Responses to a More Gelatinous Future. Trends in Ecology Evolution 24.6 (2009): 312–22. Print.Shikina, Shinya, and Ching-Fong Chang. Cnidaria. Encyclopedia of Reproduction (Second Edition). Ed. Skinner, Michael K. Oxford: Academic Press, 2018. 491–97. Print.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Landscape Architecture Semester Project Term Paper

Landscape Architecture Semester Project - Term Paper Example The institute has original and unique experimental equipments for example vibration tables for earthquakes simulations, climatic chambers used for the purpose of testing of structural elements, components used in building as well as exterior and interiors. The institution is located at 37025’21†W. the CDP as analyzed by the United States Census Bureau has a total amounting to area of about 2.8 square miles which is equivalent to 7.3km2. this area in which this institution is constructed, experiences warm, however, not that much hot and dry summers, with no average monthly temperature measurements above 71.60 F. as described by Koppen Climate system, the institution possesses a warm-summer Mediterranean climate. The institution has a population of about 13810. As a client I will be crucial in ensuring that the core necessities for the building are communicated to various groups involved. I should make sure that the right questions concerning the construction are asked. Stanford University is a private research institute located at Stanford in California. It is also considered one of the most prestigious institutions in the world. It owns the highest undergraduate selectivity and the tops positions in various areas and measures in the United States. Leland Stanford established the institution in 1885. Stanford University is a private research institute located at Stanford in California. It is also considered one of the most prestigious institutions in the world. It owns the highest undergraduate selectivity and the tops positions in various areas and measures in the United States. Leland Stanford established the institution in 1885. Leland was the former governor and senator of United States. The institution was begun in 1891 as a coeducational and non-denominational institution. Stanford University struggled financially after Leland’s demise in the